TANTSUIAKO - imitate what you see!


Get to know the stars of the Slovak Contemporary Dance by your own body!
Popular songs and a selection of music videos that will make you go crazy.
​Let go of all the scruples and try the movements you see on the screen and you will never forget the night!



You have experienced Tantsuiako on:

20 August 2022 @Tanečno - international festival of dance and movement in Orava, Námestovo

18 June 2022 @Banská Bystrica City Days, Výklad, Banská Bystrica

6 May 2022 @KONTAMINÁCIE/ performative symposium, Telocvičňa, Bratislava

01 May 2022 @DEŇ OTVORENÝCH ATELIÉROV 2022, Telocvičňa, Bratislava

29 April 2022 @International Dance Day, Výklad, Banská Bystrica


Supported using public fundings by Slovak Arts Council.

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