Jaro Viňarský: This Very Moment / workshop cycle

2017-09-15 - 2017-12-17 Academy of Movement Tu a Teraz, Žilina

 a series of four weekend workshops with Jaron Viňarský in cooperation with the Academy of Movement Tu a Teraz (Žilina)


This workshop cycle is the occasion to explore and cultivate an experience of a mindfull state we all have experience with already, but are not constantly aware of. The state when mind and body are sensed in the same field of awareness as a kinesthetic dot – point of departure, an impulse to move. It is a very grounded state in our body mind functioning in which we can freely experience directly as well as to trust that experience. In such a moment You and space and others become part of feelings and insights. Sensing, feeling and acting become more clear, precise and accurate.  We feel comfortable with the unknown of the present moment in balance with relying on what is known. In that state of "360 degrees" presence we our dancing becomes a tool of sharing and communication.

In the centre of This Very Moment is a practicing of Four Postures of Mindfulness - lying, sitting, standing and walking - this simple order of postures follows evolution of human being. It is also a tool to work with the body, movement as well as to explore and understand our own body-in-movement language and the way towards making dances and to dance. Each single weekend will be dedicated to one of four postures, so is why is also possible to pick weekends separately but we definitely suggest to commit for whole workshop cycle.

Previous dance experience is not needed.

15-17 September 2017 / lying
20-22 October 2017 / sitting
10-12 November 2017 / standing
15-17 December 2017 / walking 


Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.

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