WorkShoW #29:
Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci - Alphabet: Method

2019-11-22 - 2019-11-24 Záhrada - Centrum pre nezávislú kultúru, Banská Bystrica


29 November 2019
gruppo nanou: MOTEL

The MOTEL project is a trilogy consisting of three rooms. The motel is an uninhabited familiar place, a room for secrets, for lovers and for whores, a refuge for murderers, a stop for passengers.

The episode-driven drama is the interaction of a limited number of characters based on familiar and common relationships. However, the flow of the day in the Motel is disrupted by special elements.
The episodes are essentially independent of each other.
The characters and their relationships are static: the event of each episode becomes the episode itself, establishing the status quo of each. The story is always "somewhere else". The drama is not on stage. During the last episode, there is a radical change. This change is the starting point for a new drama.

We present the first and third parts in their stage versions. The second in her film adaptation.


Directed by: Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci
With: Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci, Marco Maretti
Sound Design: Roberto Rettura
Light Design: Fabio Sajiz
Set: Antonio Rinaldi, Giovanni Marocco
Concept feat.: Robert Rebotti {jacklamotta}

Photo: Laura Arlotti
Production: Nanou Ass. Cult.
Co-production: Fondo Fare Anticorpi, Fondazione Pontedera Teatro, Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, ZTL-Pro, Armunia, Schloss Broellin
In cooperation with: Palladium – Università Roma Tre
Supported by: Cantieri, Centrale Fies, L’Arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino, Città di Ebla, Teatro Fondamenta Nuove, Ravenna Teatro


23-24 November 2019
Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci: Alphabet: Method

method: «research, investigation»


The way, the path, the procedure followed in pursuing an aim, in carrying out an activity, according to a pre-established order and plan in view of the end that is intended to be achieved.

Any procedure aimed at reaching a certain knowledge, with meaning.

Alphabet: Method intends to compare the gruppo nanou dance method with dancers and amateurs, determining the effectiveness of their choreographic language related to athletes.

Alphabet: Method is a stage of the Alphabet project, conceived by gruppo nanou to study the elements of the choreographic complexity in order to make it readable and dialogical, exposing and revealing the creative / compositional process and reaching the reason for the association and relationship choices in the scenic composition. 

The dance, as a non-verbal language, is in fact often defined as cryptic, emotional, difficult and the choreographic thinking, the creative strategy, the compositional triggering that allows the choreographer and dancers to build a work remains submerged, hidden and, often, confused. The relationship between the external look and the artistic practice has lost, the strong and fierce bond that at the beginning of the century produced so many correspondences between artists and critics. Consequently, the practice of transmitting a choreographic thought through words, necessary to read the construction of a creative path and a performance, has been reduced.

The choreutical body is taken as an element of emotion, eroticism dictated by the sense of "danger" and exceptionality that the athlete triggers in the execution of unique and spectacular movements. The body dance acts out of necessity, that is, its attitude manifests itself for the achievement of the maximum result. The design of the body is determined by the objective to be achieved.


Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council - the main partner of the project O umeni tela 2019.

Photo: Eva Rácová

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