Kiosk 2017: Jaro Viňarský - Lalita

2017-07-17 - 2017-07-26 Stanica Žilina - Záriečie, Žilina

ten days of body retreat


Experience is the ground.
Awareness is the path.
Expression is the fruition.

- Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche


lalita – to dance with situation,
ten days of body retreat is the occasion to explore and cultivate an experience of a state or moment we all have experience with already, but are not fully aware of. The state when mind and body are sensed in the same field of awareness as a kinesthetic dot – point of departure, an impulse to move. It is a very grounded state in our body mind functioning in which we can freely experience directly as well as to trust that experience. In such a moment You and space and others become part of feelings and insights. Sensing, feeling and acting become more clear, precise and accurate. Sometimes it happens when we are moving within the structure or follow a task and at the same moment we are open to something else, new and fresh. We feel comfortable with the unknown of the present moment in balance with relying on what is known.




Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.


Photo: Eva Rácová

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