Zuzana Burianová, Michal Freriks: i

2019-09-20 Záhrada - Centrum nezávislej kultúry, Banská Bystrica


Two worlds: the inner, full of sensations, feelings, feelings and needs, and the outer, full of information. To what extent can we perceive and respond to everything that speaks to us? And what is my identity / authentic identity as a whole? Preinformation often leads to apathy or stress and subsequent collapse. Need to check, newsgoogles, smart tick, reality disorder… new defects that came up with the need to know everything. But how much do we know about ourselves?

Idea: Zuzana Burianová, Kei Franček Mimakiová
Choreography: Zuzana Burianová, Michal Freriks
Cooperation: Andrej Petrovič, Daniel Raček, Stanica Žilina Záriečie
Costumes: Martina Fundárková




Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council - the main partner of the project O umeni tela 2019.

Photo: Eva Rácová

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