Milan Kozánek - Body Architecture
2012-11-09 - 2012-11-11 Záhrada - Centrum pre nezávislú kultúru, Banská Bystrica
09 November 2012
Artyci & guests: Couch Corner
Improvised "dance-talk show"
Couch Corner vznikol spontánne, počas Milanovho pobytu na University of Calgary v Kanade, kde sa s ním niekoľko domácich tanečníkov chcelo stretnúť a spolu si zatancovať na javisku. Z tejto túžby, ale aj z dôvodu časovej tiesne, vzniklo predstavenie založené na tanečnej a verbálnej improvizácii v divadelnom priestore.
Neskôr sa Couch Corner stal platformou pre stretávanie skúsených tanečných performerov z rôznych miest, v improvizovanej obývačke na javisku. Ide o spojenie rozhovorov na aktuálne témy s abstraktnou tanečnou improvizáciou. Akýsi "dance - talk show" na témy filozofické i možno úplne prozaické. Témy súvisiace s tancom, so samotnými účinkujúcimi a s mestom, v ktorom sa predstavenie odohráva.
Iniciátormi Couch Corner sú Zuna a Milan Kozánkovci z Tanečnej spoločnosti Artyci, ktorí v každom predstavení z tejto série účinkujú.
Po predstaveniach v Calgary, Gdaňsku, Varšave a Krakove sa na Slovensku doposiaľ uviedlo iba raz, v Bratislave.
Koncept: Milan Kozánek Účinkujúci v Banskej Bystrici za tanec a slovo: Veronika Čimborová, Zuzana Hájková, Yuri Korec, Daniel Raček, Jaro Viňarský, Zuna Vesan a Milan Kozánkovci
10-11 November 2012
Milan Kozánek: Body Architecture
Intensive weekend workshop of Improvisation and Contact Improvisation.This seminar was a brief insight into the Milan Kozánek's concept and philosophy of his thinking about the human body. It was an insight into the microcosm of the body, its internal organization and its projection to the space. Milan shared with us the results of his research, which He has been working for almost 10 years. During the seminar we were exploring the „anatomy of movement“ through the basic building structure of the body - skeletal system and the basic movement centers. Further we were working with body energy through energy centers. During the workshop we were also exploring the possibility of moving the body and its boundaries through improvisation and contact improvisation.
Through this experiences we were discovering authentic movement expression, spontaneity and nature of movement, which is encoded inside of each of us.