WorkShoW #30:
Andrej Petrovič - Concept: Solo

2019-12-13 - 2019-12-15 Záhrada - Centrum pre nezávislú kultúru, Banská Bystrica


13 December 2019
Andrej Petrovič: Pride - P/One of the seven

My name is Pride.
I am a cheater...
I cheat you of your
God-given destiny…
because you demand

your own way.

- Beth Moore

P as pride - pushing boundaries, breaking rules. Selfishness and being in the first place. It does not matter whether pride precedes the fall or fall precedes pride, because pride wants and will always radiate.
Pride has various levels, which Petrovič discovers as a choreographer and performer at the level of artistic interpretation - physical, but also political, gender, visual, anatomical. In addition, for him, the topic of pride is an opportunity to draw into waters he did not dare to enter or was not interested in before. Pride is the second solo performance after the solo about fornication (LUST, 2016).


Choreography: Andrej Petrovič
Light Design: Karel Karlos Šimek
Costume: Maroš Baran
Set Design: Andrej Petrovič
Music: Marcel Bárta 
Sound/Recording: Eva Hamouzová
Music Dramaturgy: Viliam Dočolomanský
Movement Assistance: Jaro Viňarský
Dramaturgic Cooperation: Yuri Korec


14 - 15 December 2019
Andrej Petrovič: CONCEPT - SOLO


The concept of the creative workshop consisted of two parts.

First part: Warm up - dancing the body up in a simple rhythmic value, followed by short coordination exercises, mainly of the lower limbs; awareness of the transfer of body weight and accent of movement. The inspiration was based on Slovak folk dance. At the end of the workout and the end of the whole part was stretching the body.

The second part was focused on the creation of short movement solos with continuous rhythmic variations, which were precisely determined on the basis of the rhythmic structure that the workshop participants learned. The purpose of this part of the workshop was to create and fix movement, logical thinking, and accuracy of detail.



Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council - the main partner of the project O umeni tela 2019.


Photo: Eva Rácová

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